Christ's apostles asked Him for a "sign" of His imminent return. (Matt. 24:3) He told them "The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky." (Matt. 24:30) The "second coming" of Apophis will take place exactly 7 years, to the day, after its first coming. An on a day that will then be celebrated as both the day of Christ's death (Jewish Passover) and the day of His resurrection (Easter Sunday). These two religious holidays almost never fall on the same day. Coincidence? Time will tell. And yes, I've read my Bible. Several times. And this book shows it. For it deals with virtually every controversial subject matter in the Bible, not just the time of Christ's return.
Michael George
JoinedPosts by Michael George
Michael George
First of all, I never claimed to be a "prophet to the lord god almighty." You accuse me of just wanting to promote my "trashy eBook." But you made that judgment without ever bothering to read it. I posted a link that would have allowed you and anyone else who wanted to do so for free. It seems to me you have learned a lot from the Watchtower. They too tell people what they are allowed and not allowed to read.
Michael George
Well, I might take you up on that sometime. But as of now, I have not sold a single copy. And as I say here, right now with Amazon's help, I will be giving copies away for the next five days. Lots of new and fascinating understandings of the Scriptures. I hope you will download one, read it, and tell me what you think.
Michael George
Well, you would lose that bet. Because as explained in the book, the "sign" is the asteroid Apophis. Astronomers have told us it will come. It is in fact now on its way. It will make its first appearance in earth's skies on April 13, 2029. It will then return to earth exactly 7 years later on April 13, 2036. That day will then be Jewish Passover, the day of Christ's death (Jewish Passover will then begin at 6 PM on April 12 and be observed for 18 of its 24 hours on April 13). It will also then be Easter Sunday the day of Christ's resurrection. (These two religious holidays almost never fall on the same day.) So you think that the "second coming" of this asteroid exactly "7 years" after its first coming, on a day that will be celebrated both as the day of Christ's death and His resurrection will be a coincidence? I might agree with you if it was not for the hundreds of other reasons you will find in my book to believe in Jesus Christ and believe He will soon return to reward His servants and judge this world. How about you do no more bashing of the idea until you read the book? Its a free download for five days. After that its just $6. Not bad for a 770 page book. Let me know what you think.
Michael George
That certainly seems quite likely. But if you actually read the book I don't think you will come to that conclusion.
So leave an honest review after you read the book. Thanks.
Michael George